


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 卡朋特--化妆舞会(this masquerade) attachment  ...2 淘气莉香 2007-2-18 143831 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:38:07
[翻唱] √This Masquerade-送给我的小猪公,吼吼吼~~~ attachment expertkiller 2007-8-23 62127 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:36:01
[翻唱] MPT菲菲 - BabyBoy(继续瞎搞版) attachment ssf 2007-9-20 82025 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:34:51
[翻唱] √CA经典西班牙语歌曲,Contigo_En_La_Distancia attachment 赫林 2007-9-17 92993 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:33:46
√[翻唱]craig david------you don`t miss your ...  ...23 chester 2006-6-23 244644 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:32:32
[翻唱] √◆B.fame.F◆均均 reflection 第一次唱完整英文歌献给Gabe生日快乐 attachment  ...2 均均 2007-9-14 165176 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:31:08
√[翻唱]KC的WALK AWAY by 小克  ...2 elmo 2006-11-9 194115 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:28:36
[翻唱] √silent all these years-tori amos attachment Raffeallo 2007-9-15 82532 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:20:51
[翻唱] √◆B.fame.F◆乡村奇 送生日歌给在远方的Gabe哥 - How Far attachment 弗兰奇 2007-9-13 82104 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:18:51
[翻唱] eyes on me(王菲)。 attachment  ...23 cappuccinos.m 2007-8-18 235355 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:16:07
[翻唱] √Trouble柔到不能再柔的摇滚~-WIND.ZHAO attachment  ...2 风WIND 2007-9-9 123108 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:12:43
[翻唱] √★☆★T.GROUP★☆★make me better (demo) attachment 七宝 2007-9-14 31820 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:09:36
[翻唱] CaLLing--irene melody_irene 2007-8-16 31653 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:07:47
[翻唱] √放假吼歌Kelly clarkson -behind hazel eyes attachment 趴宝饭 2007-6-30 62371 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:02:30
[翻唱] √MPT-菲菲-Beautiful Girl无伴奏瞎搞版||| attachment  ...234 ssf 2007-8-28 376287 strongm0002 2019-9-16 21:01:00
[翻唱] √★WL·Group★尝试表达无助和绝望 DEMONS attachment 三角函数 2007-9-10 41885 strongm0002 2019-9-16 20:32:13
[翻唱] √【I don't wanna cry】from MC【多多支持:) 忽高忽低,很累的说】 moonfairy 2007-9-9 72389 strongm0002 2019-9-16 20:31:03
[翻唱] √出精选啦 7首反串集合 告别之作 attachment jet-fat 2007-8-14 51833 strongm0002 2019-9-16 20:29:56
[翻唱] √Don't Panic略带迷幻的英式摇滚-Wind.Zhao attachment  ...23 风WIND 2007-8-1 204040 strongm0002 2019-9-16 20:28:51
√[翻唱]silent all these years ~Lolita~ 2006-11-11 82111 strongm0002 2019-9-16 20:22:47
[翻唱] √NOBODY’S HOME - AVRIL 唱的快断气鸟~~~ attachment  ...2345 amiekobe 2007-2-1 497977 strongm0002 2019-9-16 20:21:28
[翻唱] √★WL·Group★三人小合唱~翻野人经典~IKnewILove U(附件已上传) attachment  ...2 三角函数 2007-9-1 123621 strongm0002 2019-9-16 20:18:32
[翻唱] √三个月的假期就为了这个 钢琴版的high~~ attachment Complicated 2007-9-6 22145 strongm0002 2019-9-16 18:30:31
[翻唱] √my love--也怀旧一下 attachment xianlai2006 2007-9-6 72616 strongm0002 2019-9-16 18:29:28
[翻唱] TROUBLE 柔到不能再柔的摇滚-WIND.ZHAO(暂等网管上传附件) 风WIND 2007-9-5 11825 strongm0002 2019-9-16 18:27:54
[翻唱] √When You Say Nothing At All by 迷糊 attachment  ...2 tuMiTOo 2007-8-17 123225 strongm0002 2019-9-16 18:26:05
[翻唱] √★ADELL☆ 。HELLA GOOD。诡异诡异~`NO DOUBT的歌~ attachment adell 2007-8-27 83000 strongm0002 2019-9-16 18:24:58
[翻唱] √天天通宵,嗓子又干又涩,拼个命录了个喜欢的歌——Love Takes Time attachment Fighter123 2007-9-1 31949 strongm0002 2019-9-16 17:32:01
[翻唱] 再发经典 Next Episode - 2pac attachment rydd 2007-8-28 31898 strongm0002 2019-9-16 17:28:43
[翻唱] √★MP·T★To Where You Are 第2次发这个歌 attachment bluespace123 2007-7-14 42191 strongm0002 2019-9-16 17:05:43
[翻唱] √SUMMERTIME - 希希akova attachment 悦希ai格格 2007-8-30 22203 strongm0002 2019-9-16 17:04:21
[翻唱] √:◆B.fame.F◆皮皮 ACAPPELLA -《 stand by me 》自娱自乐 attachment 皮皮09 2007-8-29 62228 strongm0002 2019-9-16 17:00:37
[翻唱] 在家无聊随便录了几句joy to the world attachment Fighter123 2007-7-17 51811 strongm0002 2019-9-16 16:47:10
[翻唱] 欢迎来我的主页,听听我的rap! temple208 2007-8-27 51828 strongm0002 2019-9-16 16:45:35
[翻唱] Sweet Surrender attachment amycomic 2007-8-23 31826 strongm0002 2019-9-16 16:39:19
[翻唱] √nth E Nd - Linkin Park (《In the End》混音版 ★★★ 英文说唱!★★★) attachment  ...2 Backstreet 2007-8-21 135190 strongm0002 2019-9-16 16:33:16
[翻唱] √★WL.Group★把这首歌飞到英格兰,MY WISH - Rascal flatt attachment agree  ...23 三角函数 2007-7-31 274935 strongm0002 2019-9-16 16:14:59
[翻唱] ☆MPT★BJ继续男歌女唱,NE-YO《DO YOU》(DEMO) attachment  ...2 Billie.J 2007-6-28 184141 strongm0002 2019-9-16 16:13:46
[翻唱] [Everytime--B.S(高中录D小样)] attachment 文雨奇 2007-8-28 31844 strongm0002 2019-9-16 16:11:43
[翻唱] 2pac<<dear mama>> remix attachment 波西米亚猪 2007-7-31 42374 strongm0002 2019-9-16 16:10:20

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