


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 蝉联 billboard top 10 N久的i'm yours attachment  ...2 athenalin 2009-3-9 152274 chenyuanbo 2009-4-12 12:08:07
[翻唱] <writing to reach you> by Hai(travis) attachment jdh233 2009-4-12 01477 jdh233 2009-4-12 10:32:10
√心血来潮录了Greenday<Basketcase>  ...2 BACK@WAN 2006-8-30 143187 thomsonwen 2009-4-12 09:58:49
[翻唱] Send In The Clowns-一段很有哲理的音乐剧选段 送给最爱音乐剧的超级球迷 attachment  ...2 djpanda 2007-2-8 132689 诗人一个疯 2009-4-12 05:11:11
[翻唱] 重唱老歌linkin park的in the end attachment Eggdanny 2009-2-18 71676 STARS8312 2009-4-12 00:54:05
[翻唱] nsync-Justin-gone attachment  ...2 dgning 2009-1-31 102450 dgning 2009-4-11 23:32:21
[翻唱] system of a down-question attachment dgning 2009-2-1 61358 dgning 2009-4-11 23:29:02
[翻唱] system of a down-Chop Suey! attachment dgning 2009-3-12 61841 dgning 2009-4-11 23:21:37
√[翻唱]█◣hello◢█┅evanescence『男声重录版』  ...23 crab 2006-8-5 254433 zzzlll 2009-4-11 20:53:20
[翻唱] 请大家多多指点,谢谢. attachment zzzlll 2009-4-11 11094 zzzlll 2009-4-11 18:51:58
[翻唱] Patience-枪花 attachment gmcjc12 2009-4-11 01013 gmcjc12 2009-4-11 14:48:37
[翻唱] in my place-coldplay attachment gmcjc12 2009-4-11 0856 gmcjc12 2009-4-11 13:44:49
[翻唱] time_pink floyd attachment gmcjc12 2009-4-11 0884 gmcjc12 2009-4-11 13:23:14
[翻唱] time-pink floyd gmcjc12 2009-4-10 2910 jimson19 2009-4-11 12:37:43
[翻唱] 爱情故事 attachment gmcjc12 2009-4-10 31004 gmcjc12 2009-4-11 12:25:50
[翻唱] cats in the cradle attachment gmcjc12 2009-4-10 0993 gmcjc12 2009-4-10 20:06:17
√Yesterday 又是一首经典的老歌,每一次哼唱都会让心灵感动,也希望可以感动大家。  ...2 sangyx2002 2006-7-5 163953 lylujing 2009-4-10 16:49:08
[翻唱] ★《tim mcgraw》★ attachment ︶ㄣo0豬豬の 2009-4-10 1877 修破门 2009-4-10 16:47:47
[翻唱] 宿舍作品Tonight I wanna cry,请指点 attachment thomsonwen 2009-4-9 21562 thomsonwen 2009-4-10 14:18:45
[翻唱] What I've Been Looking For - 熙伦爱俊 attachment 熙伦爱俊 2009-3-15 91819 熙伦爱俊 2009-4-10 13:02:47
[翻唱] [弹唱]朋友帮我写的歌 - save me attachment tszyu 2009-4-8 01395 tszyu 2009-4-8 21:01:25
√[翻唱]一首经典老歌,Yesterday,等大家的砖头哈  ...23456..8 科少 2006-12-12 7011458 wlzsx 2009-4-8 20:13:34
[翻唱] √makes me wonder-maroon 5 attachment  ...234 116kz 2007-8-21 316337 hankling 2009-4-8 16:28:05
[翻唱] Kanye West----《Jesus Walks》RAP一下,送给我家媳妇TC,庆祝放假~~~欧耶! attachment digest agree  ...234 镜中的真实 2009-1-11 308013 JOHNSHOW1983 2009-4-8 12:38:35
[翻唱] 好久没录歌啦 !翻唱 lara fabian的 givin' up on you attachment yunmm 2009-4-7 51474 wooohu 2009-4-8 08:37:01
[翻唱] 改编歌曲 MOFEI song attachment 维蓓蓓sabrina 2007-7-29 72074 dongjiewen007 2009-4-7 23:46:28
[翻唱] Can't B Good (Demo)...........实在没时间录完啊,见谅 attachment 弦外之ào 2009-4-7 41006 弦外之ào 2009-4-7 22:18:24
[翻唱] 向小红梅乐队致敬 - Animal Instinct 夏日的风 2006-9-11 91622 ddtx 2009-4-7 21:20:33
[翻唱] madonna的you'll see~!!早前录的。现发~! attachment mannei1215 2009-4-7 01074 mannei1215 2009-4-7 18:07:30
[翻唱] Step and Beibei对唱两首one sweet day and whenever you call attachment  ...2 维蓓蓓sabrina 2007-3-12 142829 hlslcy 2009-4-6 22:15:27
[翻唱] no more tears -- Ozzy Osbourne xup6m454 2008-9-20 3936 xup6m454 2009-4-6 22:03:50
[翻唱] [DayT] Gorillas - Army Of The Pharaohs (07年CCTV5转NBA的时候老整的那个) attachment  ...23 DayT 2009-3-27 223277 dongjiewen007 2009-4-6 16:14:51
[翻唱] everytime 我翻我翻我翻翻翻 attachment aggieonly 2009-4-5 31404 neos1013 2009-4-6 01:09:48
[翻唱] √Do what you have to do_original by Sarah Mclachlan attachment agree azurelucid 2007-6-2 61257 azurelucid 2009-4-6 01:01:03
[翻唱] the fear <30seconds attachment thend 2009-4-5 1839 thend 2009-4-5 22:17:50
[翻唱] Adia_originally by Sarah Mclachlan attachment azurelucid 2008-5-27 61396 dongjiewen007 2009-4-5 21:56:02
√[翻唱]~~~Bring me to life~~~  ...2 duolon 2006-7-28 173446 jiayi8180 2009-4-5 21:18:45
[翻唱] Disturbia - Rihanna attachment 帅力杀手 2008-8-5 51427 mummy86722 2009-4-5 20:55:20
[翻唱] no more sorrow喊喊也没什么 savage0820 2009-4-5 01151 savage0820 2009-4-5 18:11:44
[翻唱] Bad Girl----我和C-Dawg 首次合作的歌 attachment 冰糖璐璐 2007-7-26 51184 Rayren 2009-4-5 17:10:50

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