


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
√[翻唱]ride it男版 - geri halliwell 熊猫奶爸 2006-11-10 32161 cravenspice 2019-9-5 10:53:22
[翻唱] 舞曲男今天最后一弹bag it up - geri halliwell 熊猫奶爸 2006-11-26 21753 cravenspice 2019-9-5 10:51:49
[翻唱] √拉弟版的LISTEN attachment  ...2 拉弟 2007-3-25 102778 Dennisbaby 2019-8-31 21:00:47
[翻唱] √我翻唱的 Britney 的 let me be attachment  ...23 azurelucid 2007-2-5 244123 strongm0002 2019-8-12 05:20:30
[翻唱] Turning attachment jerljerl 2007-3-23 42447 strongm0002 2019-8-12 05:17:42
[翻唱] 又一次的尝试,新歌Deja vu,支持支持!!! attachment  ...2 cravenspice 2007-4-15 132939 strongm0002 2019-8-12 05:15:19
√[翻唱]【Linkin Park】Enth E ND (Mixed wit "By Myself")  ...2345 FKer 2006-10-11 479876 strongm0002 2019-8-12 05:13:22
[翻唱] √【装裤*】…★…除了尽量装裤俺没话可说…"MoneyMaker" …★…(一气呵成版) attachment  ...2 白色夹竹桃 2007-3-10 193980 strongm0002 2019-8-12 05:11:39
[翻唱] √ Nelly Furtado -- Say it Right attachment  ...23 ~Lolita~ 2007-3-1 215397 strongm0002 2019-8-12 05:09:36
[翻唱] ★★T.GROUP★★A B Kemp ft D.seven为庆祝mc新 digest  ...23456..8 七宝 2005-3-18 7315088 strongm0002 2019-8-12 05:06:31
[翻唱] 吐血演唱 碧昂丝 LISTEN tqzhfb 2007-4-14 12006 strongm0002 2019-8-12 05:04:21
[翻唱] √Charlotte Church - CALL MY NAME支持下啦~~~ attachment  ...2 alison919 2007-2-8 102454 strongm0002 2019-8-12 04:51:44
[翻唱] underneath your clothes attachment 萧然 2007-1-29 91982 strongm0002 2019-8-12 04:48:42
[翻唱] √07年的第一首 Michael Jackson - Childhood attachment  ...2 letflow 2007-4-8 123914 strongm0002 2019-8-12 04:43:16
√[翻唱]I'll never stop - TERRYMERRY强悍之作!!!  ...2 terrymerry 2006-12-5 173663 strongm0002 2019-8-12 04:39:50
[翻唱] BRIGHT EYES的DEVIL TOWN~~ attachment xmenyuan 2007-4-11 11440 strongm0002 2019-8-12 04:19:37
[翻唱] √IF I AIN'T GET YOU ------呵呵 猫的版本 attachment  ...2 djpanda 2007-4-4 153813 strongm0002 2019-8-12 04:11:49
[翻唱] The look of love attachment jerljerl 2007-3-21 62204 strongm0002 2019-8-12 04:08:03
[翻唱] THE ROSE全新版本(FT.loveushane),只是个DEMO attachment  ...2 lsjhz 2007-4-7 124180 strongm0002 2019-8-12 04:06:47
[翻唱] <the rose>-- pk everybudy!ho~ho~ attachment coolred1982 2007-1-18 52050 strongm0002 2019-8-12 04:02:21
[翻唱] √Dying in the sun, 简单迂回的旋律,我静静的唱,你来静静地听... attachment 夏日的风 2007-4-4 92126 strongm0002 2019-8-12 03:42:50
[翻唱] Blink182.(All the small things)●by Nor attachment  ...2 Norshland 2007-3-23 113159 strongm0002 2019-8-12 03:14:58
[翻唱] 呃 第一次过来发帖 请多关照了Without You/ Rainbow attachment  ...2 ``pieces 2007-3-30 102471 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:49:13
[翻唱] Sinya&stepd27- WhenIFallInLove attachment  ...23 RaySinya 2007-1-8 204150 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:46:12
[翻唱] √★淘气莉香 ft stepd27★ -------《Timeless》-------正式版 attachment  ...2 stepd27 2007-4-1 162950 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:42:35
[翻唱] 发首RONAN的歌曲FATHER AND SON attachment 萧然 2007-3-27 82168 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:29:35
[翻唱] the dancing remix for kylie attachment jet-fat 2007-4-2 11308 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:26:09
[翻唱] Darkness-I BELIEVE A THING CALLED LOVE从爵士跨界到摇滚 看来失败了 哈哈 attachment  ...23 djpanda 2007-2-2 203418 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:19:09
[翻唱] justin的新歌,尝试一下!!!! spice 2006-10-14 92351 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:17:37
[翻唱] √清唱版-----《生日快乐歌》-----祝summer生日快乐 attachment  ...2 stepd27 2007-3-31 115091 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:16:25
[翻唱] √迪斯尼电影<彼得 潘>主题曲The Second ★STAR★To The Right attachment  ...2 三角函数 2007-3-28 133033 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:15:21
[翻唱] √proud of you情人节送给大家的礼物 attachment agree  ...2 月光不溶 2007-2-14 133411 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:12:31
√[翻唱]She - RaySinya  ...2 RaySinya 2006-12-28 152869 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:11:27
√★T.GROUP★ Southside★abkemp ft d.seven(效果加强版) digest  ...23456..10 七宝 2005-11-30 9518786 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:10:18
[翻唱] 沙尘天气下表达我的不满,CELINE DION的《IF WALLS COULD TALK》 attachment mikerobinbin 2007-3-28 62322 strongm0002 2019-8-12 02:09:02
[翻唱] 搅拌俺妹滴歌`-----《looking in》----哈哈 attachment  ...2 stepd27 2007-3-22 193398 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:50:51
[翻唱] 乡村经典歌曲,我翻唱的Folsom Prison Blues attachment 皮皮09 2007-3-25 72009 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:46:53
[翻唱] 代发: Lxwl同学录的 I'll Never Stop(原唱:NSync) attachment ssf 2007-2-7 81872 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:29:27
[翻唱] √NOBODY'S HOME降小六度男声没唱完二次后期修正版 -风WIND attachment  ...2 风WIND 2007-3-20 123496 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:24:39
[翻唱] one love(抗爱滋公益广告) attachment kissingboy 2007-3-26 72044 strongm0002 2019-8-12 01:21:50

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